Sunday, September 16, 2007

Potty Training Boys - Physical Signs

When your potty training boys it's important that you know how to recognize that your son is ready to begin potty training.

Does your toddler have regular bowel movements throughout the day?

Some children go potty two or three times each day, while others may go two or three days at a time. As you can see, there's a wide range when it comes to predictable bowel movements. It's important for you to know your child's schedule, so that you'll be able to see any changes that might signal a problem while potty training.

Sometimes, a child will hold in their bowel movements when they begin potty training. Either out of fear of using the potty, or just plain nervousness. This can lead to the child becoming constipated which will make potty training even more difficult. By knowing their schedule, you'll see if there's a change in your child's schedule - which will help you prevent them from becoming constipated.

Does your son stay dry for two or more hours throughout the day?

This is an important sign to take notice of. When you start potty training you're going to be making a lot of trips to the potty, but your son needs to show some type of control by being able to stay dry for a few hours at a time. And he'll need to be able to communicate that he needs to go, so it's important that he understands the signs.

When the little man wakes up from his nap, is he dry?

Again, this shows some control on your son's part. You're going to want your toddler to be able to communicate the need to potty. After a child wakes up from a nap or a night's sleep, you want to place them on their potty seat first thing, as they'll most likely be ready to go.

By following these early signs - you'll be able to make your experience with potty training boys that much easier.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

When Potty Training Boys Treat Accidents Lightly

When potty training boys, you need to remember to keep your cool. It's so important that you don't embarrass the child if they have an accident, or make them feel bad because it's only going to make them scared to potty train.

Self confidence is really built with a positive potty training process. But you can really hurt a child's self-image if you punish or react negatively to situations and problems brought up during potty training.

And when you're potty training boys, you're going to be cleaning up accidents. You're going to be seeing them - it'd be great if there were no accidents during potty training, but then it's not always supposed to be easy right?
