Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Potty Training Boys - It’s a Potty Party!

I just read a review of a new children’s book about potty training boys. It’s called “Island Potty Party.” How great is that?

I like how all the kids are lined up for the bathroom in the picture!

I might have to order this book from Amazon - it looks pretty amusing. So if it amuses me and helps with the potty training - you can’t beat that.

The idea of the book is to entertain the child but also teach them the process of going to the potty. Now I know with the difficulty in potty training boys - something like this might really help. It’ll give the child some confidence as well as entertain them.

Apparently the book also comes with a cd of music that the child can dance to - perhaps learning the potty dance isn’t such a bad thing!

I’ve got so many potty training boys books - but I don’t actually have any children’s books about potty training. Might have to give this one a good look at.


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