Sunday, August 26, 2007

Potty Training Boys Using A Rewards System

I’ve seen so many different ways that people have come up with rewarding the kids when they’re potty training boys.

The idea is simple - reward successful trips to the potty and positively reinforce the behavior. You can do this in a number of ways. The most popular way seems to be to create a potty prize bag.

Fill a bag or bucket with a number of small toys or stickers or something similar that you’re child will like. When they have a successful trip to the potty - they get to pull a prize out of the potty prize bag.

I haven’t talked to anybody that has used this method of potty training boys - but I see it all over when I’m doing research on the subject. So my guess is that it has some success associated with it.

I imagine that it’s important to only use the potty prize bag for the potty. Don’t start mixing it with other tasks that you want to reward the child for - otherwise it will lose it’s value when you need it for potty training.

You can also try this - place a calendar (preferably one with characters the child likes) in a conspicuous place. Everyday that the child doesn't have an accident let the child place a sticker (a star, or a favorite cartoon character) on that day. Keep this up till the child has a full month with no accidents.

Like I’ve said before - potty training boys doesn’t have to be difficult, there are so many resources out there to use - or you can be creative and come up with a system like this for yourself. Good luck!


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