Monday, August 20, 2007

Potty Training Boys With Elimination Communication

I was just reading an article about potty training boys on It was talking about an idea called elimination communication.

This is the first time I’ve seen this theory on potty training. You can do this for potty training boys or girls really. The idea behind it is that children usually give off some sort of cue that they are about to go potty (eliminate - I like that word, I think I might start asking Harper if he has to eliminate). Anyways - they’ll either make a certain face or sound prior to having to go.

When you see the cue - you take them to the toilet and hold them over it. They’re talking about doing this with 1 year olds and younger! Interesting - I’d like to see more on this, but this was all I could find on it at this moment. It might be an interesting way to start potty training boys - but it does sound like some work too - as you’ll always be running to the bathroom with the child.

I haven’t tried this method of potty training boys - but it’s interesting and I’ll definitely have to look up more info on it.


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