Saturday, August 18, 2007

When Potty Training Boys Let Them Get Used To The Potty

Here's a tip for potty training boys that you might not have seen. I found this one in the Asbury Park Press.

Potty training is a big step in a child’s development, and when potty training boys most parents can use all the tips they can get.

Familiarize your toddler with the portable potty. Keep it in different rooms. Bring it along with you on trips. Keep it in view. If he wants to play with it and use it as storage for his toys, let him - but make sure you explain what it’s real function is. Soon, the portable potty will become just another piece of furniture in your house.

So when you’re potty training boys, help your little one get over his fear of the potty. A lot of fear is based on the unknown - and by following these little steps your toilet training efforts might go a little bit easier.


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